
1. All games are to commence by 6:45pm and consist of 8 ends.

2. The decision of the rules committee on any matter will be final

3. Practice – The practice times will be at 6:25 and 6:35 and will consist of 2 rocks up and back for each player.  Upon completion, a draw to the button by any one member of the team, will be thrown to determine hammer in the first end.  Teams are asked to have each player attempt the draw for hammer at least once during the season.

The team listed first on the schedule will practice first and throw red rocks.  The draw to the button must be thrown using a clockwise rotation.
The team listed second on the schedule will practice second and throw blue rocks.  The draw to the button must be thrown using a counterclockwise rotation.

In the event that both teams cover the pin, or miss the house, a coin toss will be used to determine hammer.

4. Free Guard Zone rule in effect (Five Rock)

5. Games must be completed by 9:00pm.

6. Tie-breaker games will be only used to establish playoff flights.  Ties within a particular flight will be settled initially by head to head results where feasible, followed by the total cumulative distance recorded during the “draw for the hammer”.  Please ensure that your results are recorded each week. (Note:  If the house is missed, record 72.5 inches, when covering the pin, record 0 inches)

7. All league members are to be a member in good standing with a community club.

8. Playoffs will use the Page Playoff format for both A and B flights.

9. Teams are required to field a minimum of 2 players from their roster.  Spares may not throw skip rocks and must otherwise play at a position equal to or lower than the player they are replacing.  In addition spares for any position cannot call the game.  If spares can not be obtained, games may start and be played with 3 players.  

10. ALL CCA RULES REGARDING SWEEPING AND BROOM HEADS ARE IN EFFECT.  All team are encouraged to obtain compliant broom heads prior to the start of the season, however a one week grace period is in place to help with this transition.  Note, that teams using non-compliant broom heads during the first week of competition, must notify the opposing skip the week prior to the scheduled game.  For full details of the new sweeping rules, click on the following: